Hi, Style Diary readers! I’m Terri from Stylish Sass, and I’m thrilled to meet you! While Katie is away, she has asked me to share with you one of my favorite up-and-coming Spring trends. I was pretty excited when black and white popped up all over Alexander Wang, Jason Wu, and Marc Jacobs during Fashion Week this year since I wear black and white quite a bit already, and now I’ll be considered trendy! It doesn't happen often, so I get pretty excited about these things. I didn't start pattern-mixing until a year later, and it took me about three years to jump on skinny jeans. This is not a trendy girl you’re looking at, but now that the fashion gods have determined that black and white is fresh and hip, let’s all be super-trendy ladies together!
Thank so much Terri for guest posting for me today!
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<3 Katie