Shirt- Old Navy, Skirt- Limited (similar), Heels- Report via Piperlime, Necklace- Forever 21 (similar)
So I may be taking "stripes on stripes" too figuratively since the second set of stripes are the two leather ones on my skirt, but mixing two striped pieces is hard! One day, I'd love to have a striped blazer that would oh-so-perfectly coordinate with this striped boyfriend shirt (like in this look from fashion week), but for now, my leather striped skirt will do.
I am really obsessed with these Report heels! When I find something I like but the price is too high, I always set a Shopstyle sale alert so I get an email when the price is lowered. There are other sites and apps out there that do sale alerts too, but I love the mix of brands and other features Shopstyle offers. I ended up getting these babies for 20% off the sale price and they are well worth it. Very comfortable and not too high of a heel. I definitely recommend them.