Coat- Target, Sweater- Forever 21, Jeans- Gap, Boots- Forever 21, Bag- Michael Kors
Please tell me I'm not the only person who has an obsession with a particular article of clothing or accessory that doesn't work well for the climate you live in or for your lifestyle. What I'm getting at is that I LOVE buying coats. I don't even want to count how many I have because its embarrassing. The reason why this is a particularly worthless obsession is that I live in Texas. We get maybe 3 months of coat-appropriate weather, maybe. And yet, every fall (before it ever gets the slightest bit cold) I go into a coat obsessed frenzy! You saw my September haul post where I bought not one, but two coats. I'll let you in on a little secret- my November haul contains several more coats...Embarrassing.