Thursday, December 20, 2012

Boys Section

I've never contemplated shopping in the kids section, but I decided to try it out the other day. I was browsing Zara and wandered into the girls' section, only to end up at the boys' clearance rack. Which is where I found this plaid shirt. It actually fits perfectly, is great quality, and it was only $20. Works for me! It was a little weird trying to button it when I first put it on. Why is it that guys and girls clothes have buttons on opposite sides?

Also, I just want to mention how annoyed I am that it's almost too hot here in Texas to wear a sweater. (But the outfit needed it!) Come on weather! Us Texans want to wear cute winter clothes too!

Sweater- Forever 21, Shirt- Zara boys, Jeans- Forever 21, Booties- Wanted
 Necklace- Francesca's, Watch- Fossil, Belt- Forever 21, Bracelet- Glam Grab

Of course I also wore this to work with my favorite pleated skirt...

I will definitely try shopping in the kids section more often! There are good deals to be found.

<3 Katie