Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Little Retail Therapy

Every girl deserves a little retail therapy every now and then. Here are some things I picked up for myself while finishing up my Christmas shopping over the weekend. I was able to get some great deals!
Target Earrings- on sale, $4.48!, H&M Rhinestone Top- $9.95, H&M Watercolor Dress- $15, JCP Snakeprint Top- $10

Its easy to overspend when treating yourself, so here a a few rules to follow to stay within your budget:
  • Have a specific amount in mind that you want to spend.
  • Use cash.
  • Keep tags on and receipts until you decide to wear the item. You are more likely to buy impractical or ill fitting items when emotions are involved.

Hope you find these tips are helpful! Stay tuned tomorrow to see how I styled my new H&M dress.

<3 Katie