Coat- Old Navy (major clearance!), Sweater- Target (similar), Button-Up- Old Navy (major clearance!), Jeans- c/o Aeropostale,
Boots- Sole Society (on sale $36), Bag- Michael Kors, Necklace- Shop Lately ($10 off first order when you sign up with Facebook)
Boots- Sole Society (on sale $36), Bag- Michael Kors, Necklace- Shop Lately ($10 off first order when you sign up with Facebook)
I posted last week about how I am not going to be doing daily outfit posts anymore. But when I get the chance to shoot an outfit I'm already wearing that day, why not? This was my casual Friday outfit from last week. I dragged my somewhat reluctant boyfriend out to take some shots of me before I changed for dinner that night- didn't he do a good job? This was his first time using a DSLR camera and I think they turned out great. And now that I know he can take successful photos for me, that means more outfit posts for you! Yay!
This outfit is a good representation of what I've been wearing since my last outfit post- any variation of the sweater/button-up combo you can imagine, paired with skinny jeans and boots. Layering is just so much fun, and of course it's functional for cold weather. I liked this combo of leopard and plaid since its more playful that wearing two solid pieces. These boots have been on my feet pretty much from the time I got them in the mail until now. They are extremely comfortable for everyday wear, despite the heel!
What's your winter uniform?
Linking up with Three-for Thurdsay | Spotlight of the Week: Jacqueline & Elle | Tres Chic Thursday | Mix and Match Fashion | All Things Thursday | Favorite Fashion Friday | Friday's Fab Favorites