Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Bit of A Change

Hey guys! Its been a while. Why? I'll get straight to the point. I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past few weeks about what direction I want this blog to go in. After lots of back-and-forth, I've decided not to keep up with my weekly outfit posts for the time being.

When I started this blog, I intended it to be a place where I could journal my daily outfits (hence the word "diary" in my blog's title), share shopping habits, wish lists, etc. Back then, I was using my cell phone to take pictures, and what I put on the blog was literally something I had worn in the past week. After a while, I wanted to start taking posed pictures outside to make my blog look a little less amateur. My photo shoots went from taking minutes a day to hours on the weekends, taking time away from relaxing and all the other glorious things weekends are for. If I could find a way to take quality photos of what I'm wearing on a daily basis, it would make things a lot easier. The problem is that 1) I live by myself; and 2) I am not about to go out with a tripod and take them myself. Lol.

I also have to mention-- I don't think its any secret that the amount of clothes I bought increased dramatically after I started blogging. I started buying things that I thought would make great blog outfits, but they weren't really practical in my daily life. I wore outfits on this blog that I never wore in real life, although I meant to. Want to see some? I think it's kind of funny to be honest, so I'll share.

 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 & 10

In the spirit of the new year and keeping up with my shopping budget, I spent the weekend cleaning out my closet. I saved the best for Poshmark, so if you're interested, check out my closet here. I have a few bag-fulls for Plato's Closet, and I donated the rest. It feels really nice to get rid of so much at once.

So for now, I won't be posting regular outfits. I think it will be a lot easier to stick to my shopping budget without the pressure of posting four outfits per week. I want to get back to a point where I am wearing everything in my closet, and not buying things that I'll never wear beyond this little space online.

I am still fashion obsessed. I am still going to shop. And I still want to share my passion. If you would like to continue following along, I'll be popping in about once a week to share new wish lists, fashion inspiration, and the occasional outfit. Otherwise, you can see what I'll be wearing on Instagram. I try to post OOTDs most days. And to see what my current cravings and inspirations are, follow me on Pinterest.