Friday, January 31, 2014

What I Bought This Month: January Haul

Is there anybody out there who watches clothing haul videos on YouTube? I don't know what it is about seeing what other people buy, but I love it. I decided it would be fun to do a monthly haul post to keep track of all my fashion related purchases in 2014.

This month, I wanted to pick up a couple items I could start wearing now, and keep wearing throughout the spring and summer months. I focused on pieces that were more versatile and practical (though some were just for fun, like my Zara skirt!). I also unintentionally bought several pastel items. This is only the start of my obsession with pastels, and its not even spring yet!

I know some bloggers do a budget breakdown each month, which I also really love to see. I am just not comfortable saying, here's what I bought, this is how much I paid for it, and this is how much I spent on clothes this month on the internet (though I am linking to these items, so if you want to add it all up and guess what kinds of discounts/gift cards/sales I scored, be my guest). But since I do have a set clothing budget, and because I have blogged about the importance of having one herehere, and here, I will share with you whether or not I stayed within mine. The answer to that question this month, is yes, I did stay within my clothing budget. (Yay! I feel like a little self praise is in order. Go me!)

Here are the details:

1. Navy Floral Dress (Lulu's)- I was so lucky to win a gift card to Lulu's from Auteur Ariel this month, so I picked out this dress to transition from winter to spring. It'll be fun now with tights and boots, and later with bare legs and sandals.

2. White Leather Jacket (Forever 21)- I saw quite a bit of white leather on the Spring 2014 runways last fall and loved it. This jacket is almost as versatile as my black leather jacket and looks oh-so-cute with all the pastels I anticipate wearing this spring.

3. Pink Midi Skirt (Dorothy Perkins)- Is this a versatile purchase? Maybe, maybe not. But its stinking cute. I've been experimenting with midi skirts, starting with some of the pencil variety. I think I am ready to embrace the full midi skirt thing, so I decided on this pastel version, of course.

4. Pink Gingham Shirt (J.Crew Factory, sold out)- An eBay purchase! I have just recently started experimenting with clothes shopping on eBay, and I have to say, it is pretty great. To get a brand new or barely worn piece for one fourth the retail price? Yes, please!

5. Blue Honeycomb Sweater (Old Navy)- I love this sweater to pieces and have worn it multiple times in the same week. I was so tempted to buy it in one of the darker shades, but since I am already pastel obsessed, I decided on this one.

6. Blush Lace-Up Booties (Lulu's)- These were another item I purchased from Lulu's with the gift card I won. I had been eyeing them as soon as they popped up on a New Arrivals email from the site, so they were an easy choice to add to my cart.

7. Floral Skirt (Zara, sold out)- Another eBay purchase! I always loved this Zara skirt, but for some reason I passed on it when it was in stores. Maybe the price was too high? Anyway, I found it on eBay and decided to make it mine. I've already worn it with my blue honeycomb sweater and it was pretty adorable, if you ask me!

8. White Jeans (American Eagle)- I kept seeing super cute winter outfits with white jeans all over Pinterest and decided I needed to replace the pair I owned, which were super old, awkwardly cropped, and didn't really fit anymore. These skinnies from American Eagle fit so much better and are much more comfortable.

Do you like the idea of these haul posts? I mean, I'm going to post them anyway, but it'd be nice to know if some of you are actually interested in seeing this type of post. :)

Linking up with Budgeting Bloggers