Monday, September 30, 2013

September's Top Three


I went back and read my top three post from August where I talked about how fall was right around the corner. And 1 month later, I have to say I am still waiting for under 90 degree days (we've had a few). Can I just have a couple more so I can actually wear some of my jackets and sweaters? They are hanging sadly in my closet just wishing to come out.

This month I decided to do #noshopseptember to even out some of the damage I did during the month of August (check back tomorrow for my thoughts on shopping bans). I am pushing forward into #noshopoctober because frankly, the weather is still too warm for me to justify a new coat or pair of over-the-knee boots. I'm creating a wishlist in my head though; a perfectly planned, perfectly budgeted for wish list when I finally allow myself the pleasure of a trip to the mall again. I'm looking forward to it.