Dress- Old Navy, Vest- Forever 21, Flats- H&M (similar), Necklace- H&M, Watch- Fossil, Bracelet- Minusey (similar), Sunglasses- similar
Wedges- Charlotte Russe, Clutch- Target (similar), Necklace- Jeweliq (similar), Bracelet- Gigglosophy (in mint)
A shirtdress is a classic piece to have in your wardrobe. I've loved windowpane print ever since it came into style last spring, so I couldn't pass up this dress from Old Navy during the Labor Day 30% off sale. It is super comfy and so versatile. To show it's versatility, I styled it two ways. For day, a denim vest and neon flats are perfect to dress it down. At night, add a pair of pumps or heels, cinch your waist with a belt, and you have a quick and easy transformation.
Linking up with I Feel Pretty | Keeping It Casual | Wardrobe Wednesday

Amy / Dani / Janelle / Jenn / Katie / Nathalie / Sara / Seun / Tiffany / Vicki
These lovely ladies have teamed up with me to present Style Honestly’s First Annual “Fall Into Place” Giveaway!
Fall is a time where the colors change and the desire to shop grows stronger. Who wouldn't want a little extra pocket change to help with the shopping!?
Just because we love our readers so much, we wanted to offer the opportunity for you to win a little extra from us!
This giveaway is open to all and ends 9/11 at 11:59 PM. Good luck!