This giveaway is for one $150 giftcard to Lulu's, one $50 giftcard to Victoria's Secret, and one $50 giftcard to Sephora. This giveaway is open internationally to people 18 years and older. If the winner of the Sephora giftcard does not live in a country which Sephora ships to, a Visa gift card will be substituted. The giveaway will run from Monday, June 3rd, 2013 12:01 AM CST to Monday, June 10th, 2013 12:00 AM CST. All entries will be verified. The winners will be announced on the affiliated blogs after the winners' entries are verified. The winners will be contacted via email. This giveaway is not affiliated with Lulu's, Victoria's Secret, Sephora, Facebook, Bloglovin, Instagram, GFC, Twitter, Google, Pinterest, or any other social media platform.