Tuesday, June 18, 2013

7 Deadly Sins of Fashion

I saw a Julie G's on the 7 Deadly Sins of Fashion tag on YouTube and thought it would be fun to do. Today I'm exposing some of my fashion secrets and shopping tendencies, so keep reading!

1. Gluttony: What do you own in excess of extravagance in your closet?
The thing I have the most of are statement necklaces. I have so many that I'm starting to run out of room to store them. But does that stop me from buying more? Of course not :)

2. Greed: What type of clothing do you always have a desire to buy?
Lately its been casual dresses. They're all I want to wear this summer.

3. Sloth: When you are getting ready to go somewhere but feeling too lazy to find something to wear, what is your go-to outfit?
If I'm in a hurry or feeling lazy, I'll usually grab some form of skinny jeans/t-shirt combo. My shirt could be a Target v-neck, or one of my favorite basic striped tees.

4. Wrath: What makes you angry when shopping?
If I'm shopping, I'm generally a happy camper. A few annoyances would be if I wore uncomfortable shoes, can't find an item in my size, or when I go out looking for something specific and can't find anything that works.

5. Envy: Which celebrity's fashion sense or style do you most envy?
I love Lauren Conrad and Olivia Palermo's styles. If I had to pick another blogger's style it would be Gal Meets Glam or Pink Peonies.

6. Lust: Which store's outside appearance do you find most physically attractive, drawing you in?
Hands down J.Crew! But even though it might draw me in, I still never buy anything there (unless its a shirt that's 30% off the sale price! I bought one during their sale last Monday- coming up on the blog soon!)

7. Pride: Out of all the outfits you have put together, which are you most proud of?
1 | 2 | 3

I'd love to see your answers, so if you decided to do this tag, be sure to let me know!

<3 Katie