Every now and then, I wear something that is way too fancy for the occasion, just because I feel like it. On the evening I wore this outfit, my boyfriend and I decided to try out a show at the Dallas Comedy House in Deep Ellum. Those of you who are familiar with Deep Ellum know that these shoes (well, really the entire outfit) are SO not Deep Ellum. But I didn't care. They were new and I wanted to wear them despite our plans. It was also very windy, which made my freshly curled hair go flat, and also made for some fun moments trying to keep my top and skirt from flying around all crazy, but I also didn't care about that. Sometimes you just gotta wear what you want.
In case you are interested, this skirt is still in stock at Sosie, and it is $7.75. Yes, you read that right! Now, I'll be honest- the thing is sheer. Since it flares out at the bottom, that part is fine. I did feel the need to cover the top half of it to be more comfortable. I rigged it up with a slip underneath, and my top was long enough to cover anything embarrassing so I felt fine in it. So yeah. If you like to wear fussy skirts that require long tops and slips and all that, this one's for you. (I really sold that, didn't I? Now we all know why it's on sale for $7.75. But I'm still going to wear it.)
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