Friday, March 28, 2014

What I Bought This Month: March Haul

I realized while putting this collage together that I mainly got tops and heeled sandals this month. I was glad to pick up some new tops since I've felt very blah about the ones already hanging in my closet. I keep doing these mini closet purges where I feel like I'm giving up a lot, but I'm still not wearing much of what's left in there. I need to get rid of the old stuff for good! Next go-around, I'm going to employ the "would I purchase this if I saw it in stores right now?" method. That's sure to knock out the stragglers.

As far as the sandals, I basically live in these as long as the weather allows for open toes (about 9 months of the year in TX). Since I'm short (and my legs are a bit thicker than I remember, ha!), I like wearing some form of heel on a daily basis. I think it really is a good way to feel a bit slimmer, just as long as you are still comforable. I like sandals with a chunkier heel because they are generally quite comfortable to run around in. And since they don't all have crazy high heels, I can get away with them for work as well.

Budget status= $24 over. Not terrible, but I'm not happy about it either. I had every intention of selling clothes this month to make up for the overage, but I didn't make enough to account for my over spending.

Here are the details:

1. Tan Sweater (J.Crew)- I saw this sweater on several bloggers and loved it, so I used my J.Crew Rewards to pick it up. It's been great for this weird in-between weather we've been having.

2. Grid Printed Bag (Coach)- As soon as this bag went on sale, I used a Nordstrom gift card I had been saving to get it. It's a great size and very versatile! I'm just afraid it will get dirty if I carry it too often.

3. Red Heels (Zara)- Love, love, love these. See how I styled them here.

4. Floral Blouse (H&M)- I was really excited to add some more floral to my closet with this pretty blouse.

5. Lavender Shorts (J.Crew Factory)- My luck has been great recently- I won a $50 gift card from Pearls & Twirls, and waited for a 30% off coupon code before I bought these. I have another pair of J.Crew chino shorts that have a 3" inseam, but I thought the extra inch on these would make me a little more comfortable wearing them.

6. White Studded Heels (Charlotte Russe)- Ever since I saw the Valentino version on Sequins & Stripes, I was kind of on the look out for a replica pair. I got the black too, but I thought the white were fun and different. These were on sale for around $15 each, so I figured I would just get both! :)

7. Black Studded Heels (Charlotte Russe)

8. Pink Sweater (Gap)- Continuing my blush pink obsession. I think I subconsciously think I'm adding a blush pink item of clothing to every category (heels, tops, sweaters, bags, next conquest is a blazer!).

9. C'est La Vie Tee (J.Crew)- I don't really own any graphic tees, and I liked the colors in this one. It's great under a blazer, and I'm sure I'll live in it all spring and summer.

10. Striped Pullover (Gap)- I've been loving all the striped oxfords at Old Navy and Gap, but I thought that the vertical stripes in this one made it a bit more unique. 

11. Striped Tee (J.Crew Factory)- I picked this up with my J.Crew gift card as well to go with the lavender shorts. I like the idea of wearing a pink and purple together, as long as one is a pastel shade.

12. Strappy Sandals (Belk)- I won a second gift card from Here & Now to Belk. And I think I looked through every item on their site before I found these. I'm curious any of you out there shop at Belk? I never have, but I was not impressed with their online selection at all. I was surprised how many times I had to go back and search the site before I found something that was actually worth it. These sandals are really cute, but I'm not thrilled with how they look on my feet. They may be going back.

Previous haul posts: January | February

Linking up with: Budgeting Bloggers