I really enjoyed coming up with my first "Hey, It's OK..." post inspired by Glamour magazine, so I decided to do another! Sometimes, you just need to cut yourself some slack, laugh a little, and have fun. That's what this post is all about!
...to only ever contribute dessert to your family's Thanksgiving spread. It's the best part of the meal!
...to create a Christmas List Pinterest board (here's mine) and then drop hints to your friends, BF, and parents about it.
...to start watching all the cheesy Lifetime and ABC Family Christmas movies you can stand...before Thanksgiving.
...to have an emotional reaction to the background music when Olivia and Fitz have a moment (Scandal, anyone? Please tell me you know what I'm talking about!).
...to be the only blogger who doesn't post multiple gift guides for the holidays. (I'm pretty sure all my fellow bloggers have found all the best of the internet already.)
...to plan out multiple holiday party outfits when the only ones you have to go to are tacky Christmas sweater parties.
...to go to Arby's so often with your BFF that they you know you by name (plus the fact that we are both named Katie makes it a little easier!).
...to cheat on your shopping budget and buy something you've wanted for years once you find it in stock again (this beauty!).
...if you buy two of something when Christmas shopping for your friends- one for you and one for them!
...to pretend its already the weekend on Thursday night and stay up late. You can always sleep in on Saturday!
If you have any "it's ok's," make sure to share them in the comments below!