Although the weather is still warm, we are getting closer to fall, which means its time to start talking fall fashion. Practical shopping includes thoughtful planning, and this is especially important at the beginning of each season. I enjoy keeping up with seasonal trends and love to incorporate them into my daily style. It's important to figure out first of all, what is going to be popular for fall? Once I nail down some trends I know I want to wear, I can go through my closet and see what I already have that will work. Then, I can decide on a handful of pieces I want to add to my wardrobe to achieve the style I'm going for in the new season.
Do some of these trends intimidate you? They certainly do me! That's why we are going to take these trends and figure out how to style them in wearable ways. Keep reading this week for four looks where I incorporate these trends into something that makes sense for the average woman. I've also done some shopping for you based on each trend so you can start creating a fall wish list of your own.