Monday, April 22, 2013

Olive Juice (100th Post!)

Dress- H&M, Flats- Target, Watch- Fossil, Jewelry- Primark

When you were a kid, did you ever mouth the words "olive juice" to someone, hoping they mistook is for "I love you?" Well, I'd like to mouth those words to this dress, which clearly I love, or else I would not blog about it! I don't care how far we get into spring, and I don't really know if leather details are still in style, but I love the touch of it on the shoulders of this dress. I slapped on my leopard heels because I thought they went to nicely with the olive shade. And voila! Perfect shopping/churching/lunching/errand running outfit.

This is my 100th post! Thanks so much to all my lovely readers for following my on my style journey :)

Linking up with Kayla today!

<3 Katie